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CineStill Cs6 E-6 3-bath Slide Processing Kit / DynamicChrome (D9) - 1L

€ 47,95 € 48,45

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This CineStill Cs6 E-6 Slide Processing Kit includes the DynamicChrome D9 First Developer for warm tone slides and extended dynamic range. Next to this, the kit also includes all other needed components to carry out a full E-6 developing process: Cr6 Color&Reversal 2-in-1 Slide Solution and the Bf6 Bleach&Fixer 3-in-1 Slide Solution. Every component is also sold separately as the D9 First Developer can only be used once and has a capacity of 8 rolls of 35mm film (36 exposures) or 120 film. All other components (Cr6 and Bf6) can be reused and have higher capacities. As such you only need to buy a new First Developer (D9, D6 or T6) if you want to further use this kit and you respected shelf life limits.

Complete instructions on how to use the Cs6 Developing Kits regardless of which first developer is used, can be found here!

For the first time ever, you can change the color profile of your slides. With limited slide film options available today, CineStill's groundbreaking Cs6 chemistry triples your film choices, with a quick and easy process while maintaining maximum creative control, making your slides superior to color-corrected negative scans, without sacrificing flexibility.

The Cs6 Creative Slide 3-Bath Process makes complicated chemistry simplified alchemy! The number of processing baths for color slide film is reduced from 6 to 3. The reversal step occurs during color development in a Color&Reversal bath, and the conditioner and bleach steps are combined with the fixing step in a Bleach&Fixer bath. Color timing is performed with alternative First Developers to achieve full creative control of your slides: D9 for warm tone slides and extended dynamic range, D6 for neutral tone slides like the standard E-6 process and T6 for cold tone tungsten like slides.

Quantity 1 liter
Concentrate type Liquid

CineStill D9 DynamicChrome First Developer (1L Stock Solution - Powder)

The CineStill D9 DynamicChrome First Developer gives the photographer the choice between warm tone slides with slightly extended highlights and shadow detail (1+1 dilution), or even more expanded dynamic range (1+2 dilution) for high contrast scenes with a subtle warming effect achieved by simply changing the chemistry dilution of your working solution.

Extended exposure latitude increases the usable dynamic-range of slide film from 6 to 9+ stops. Conventional E-6 processing renders approximately 6 stops of usable dynamic-range. It maintains vibrant color-contrast and rich warm tones with preserved highlight and shadow detail (optimized for scanning) for a more cinematic look. Perfect for high contrast lighting or backlit subjects in daylight, shade or with electronic flash. 

Single-use solution has a capacity of 8-16 rolls (135/120), 32-64 sheets (4x5"), or 30,5m of 35mm color slide film.

CineStill Cr6 Color&Reversal 2-in-1 Slide Solution (1L Stock Solution - Liquid)

The CineStill Cr6 2-in-1 Solution is intended to be used with the D9, D6 or T6 First Developers and the Bf6 Bleach&Fixer 3-in-1 Solution. This reusable liquid solution reverses and develops about 16 rolls of 35mm film (36 exposures) or 120 color slide film at the same time. In normal E-6 processes, this happens in two steps with two different solutions making the Cs6 process from CineStill a lot faster.

CineStill Bf6 Bleach&Fixer 3-in-1 Slide Solution (1L Stock Solution - Liquid)

The CineStill Bf6 3-in-1 Solution combines the bleach, conditioner and fixing baths into one reusable liquid solution. In standard E-6 processes these baths always exist in three separate baths each requiring separate treatment. By combining them, the Cs6 developing process for color slide film further reduces the number of baths needed with two making it only a 3-bath process. About 24 rolls of 35mm or 120 slide film can be treated with the diluted stock solution.

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