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Rollei RPX 25 135-36

€ 6,70

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Livraison 2-3 Jours ouvré

Rollei RPX 25 is a low-speed panchromatic black and white negative film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 25/15° when developed in the standard development process and can effectively be pushed one tot two stops with maintained results.

The low film speed contributes to a very fine grain structure with very high sharpness. RPX 25 is characterised by a high sensitivity reserve of one to two f-stops which means it can effectively be pushed depending on the used development. The thin film emulsion originally made for document photography, is coated onto a highly transparent base, making it ideal for enlarging and scanning applications.

Format du film Film 35mm
Type de film Négatif noir et blanc
Sensibilité du film ISO 25
Nombre de poses 36 poses
Contraste Moyen
Grain Fin
Processus de développement Noir et blanc
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