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Kodak Ektachrome E100 120 / 1 film

€ 22,80

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Livraison 2-3 Jours ouvré

A legend returns. 

After the (re)launch of Kodak Ekachrome E100 in film format 35mm in 2018, Kodak is now also relaunching the 120 roll film. So it is finally time to get started with this very beautiful slide film in our favourite medium format cameras!

Kodak Ektachrome E100 is a color slide film with an extremely fine grain (rms 8) and a low D-min for brighter whites. Compared to the Ektachrome E100 that was on the market a few years ago, this emulsion offers a moderately enhanced color saturation in combination with a neutral color balance and a low contrast tone scale. Like any other slide film, Ektahchrome delivers bright, vivid colours. Compared to Fujifilm Provia or Velvia, the overall image tone is slightly warmer and the skin tones are also much more realistic.

Ektachrome is designed for exposure with daylight or electronic flash.



High efficiency T-Grain

Extremely fine grain, remarkably detailed scans and greater enlargements

Low D-min

Whiter, brighter whites

Low contrast tonal scale

Extended tonal range from highlights to shadows and superb highlight and shadow detail

Matched color records for a neutral tone scale

Pleasing, natural skin tone reproduction with consistent gray scale rendition throughout the tonal range

Outstanding reciprocity

No speed or color compensation required for exposures from 1/10,000 to 10 seconds

Image archivability

Dark storage image stability of at least 80 years (10°C). Images can be accessed for further use many years into the future.


Format du film Film 120
Type de film Diapo couleur
Sensibilité du film ISO 100
Nombre de poses 6x4.5: 16 poses; 6x6: 12 poses; 6x7: 10 poses
Contraste Élevé
Grain Très fin
Processus de développement E-6
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