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Valoi Advancer v2

€ 169,95

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Delivery 2-3 Working days

You are receiving the latest version of the Valoi Advancer, currently version 2. Compared to the previous versions, version 2 has, red softer rollers (as with the v1.3), a larger screw on the dial given smaller screws had problems with stripping, 6 tabs instead of 4 in the frame to hold film holders in place even better, two M4 screw holes on top of the frame for tightening film holders for even better stability (also comes with two M4 thumbscrews).  

The Valoi Advancer is an essential and must-have tool within the Valoi camera scanning system. It allows you to scan film negatives in a more efficient and effective way and is compatible with the existing Valoi Film Holders you own. With the Advancer you get a host of new features all set in a sturdy all-steel construction:

  • Speed: scan a roll of 35mm film as quick as in two minutes

  • Stability: sturdy rubber feet and a heavy steel construction to keep everything in place

  • Leveling: more than 10mm fine threaded adjustment on the feet

  • Evenly lit scans: the film is lifted approximately 5cm off the light source to diffuse imperfections on the light

  • Multi-format support: with rollers set up to be adjustable for almost any roll film formats ever made

  • Access to accessories like the Duster

Please note this only concerns the Advancer. Additional accessories are necessary to produce a final image, including film holders, a light source, a digital camera, and a close-focusing. This separate Advancer is meant for people who already own parts of the Valoi scanning system and want to upgrade it with the Advancer. If you start from stratch you may want to opt for a complete Valoi scanning kit which includes among other things the Advancer.

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