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Street Candy

Street Candy MTN 100 135-36

€ 9,40

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Street Candy MTN 100 is a 35mm panchromatic black-and-white negative film with a real ciné look and feel. The film is therefore based on a black-and-white motion picture film stock produced by a German manufacturer (presumably Orwo).

MTN 100 gives a pleasant contrast to your shots that is slightly softer than ATM 400 in combination with a relatively fine grain and sufficient detail in all light areas. Despite being an ISO 100 film, the film is still forgiving in terms of exposure and you can feel free to underexpose or overexpose it by two stops when necessary.

Regarding development, the applicable development times and dilutions are similar to those of Orwo UN54 and all classic film developers such as Ilford ID11, Ilfosol 3, Kodak HC-110, XTOL,... can be used without any problems. Also Kodak D96, developer for black and white motion picture films can be used in combo with this film. For the experimental analog photographers among us, MTN 100 is also suitable to be developed as black-and-white slide film.

Please note that Street Candy MTN 100 comes in recycled cartridges and does not have DX coding.

Film size 35mm Film
Film type Black-and-white negative
Film speed ISO 100
Number of exposures 36 exposures
Contrast Low-Medium
Grain Fine
Development process Black-and-white
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