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Kodak Tri-X 400 Flash Single Use Camera / 27 exposures

€ 19,20

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Now you can have the world's best-selling B&W 35mm film in a single use camera! Ready to shoot with the push of a button, this Tri-X 400 Single Use Flash Camera from Kodak is pre-loaded with a 27-exposure roll of the highly versatile Tri-X 400 black-and-white negative film. This classic B&W film offers a distinctive grain structure that adds a level of realism as dramatic and profound as each subject.

The camera has a wide-angle lens with a fixed focus range and fixed shutter speed for simplicity, and it includes a clear window viewfinder for lining up your shots. For indoor and low light conditions, the camera also includes a built-in flash, which automatically recharges after use. Ideal for monochrome captures of holiday adventures, parties, events, weddings and more.

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