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CineStill 800T Tungsten Xpro C-41 120

€ 19,60

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The films of CineStill bring the unique look & feel of cinema film to 120 "still" film!

CineStill 800 Tungsten, is the first film made by the American film manufacturer CineStill. The film has a nominal film speed of ISO 800 but can easily be pushed to higher speeds and this up to ISO 3200 (with increased contrast). The film is based on the original Kodak Vision3 500T (5219) motion picture film stock and was further optimized for ordinary "still" photography. CineStill has also paid attention to the scanning performance of the emulsion, making it easy to scan the film without any loss of quality. The flexible exposure possibilities, high color saturation and the special effect in the strong highlights (orange glow) have made this film the ideal choice for photography in (very) low light.

Unlike the CineStill 50 Daylight, this film is not usable in ordinary daylight. CineStill 800T is a tungsten film which means that the emulsion is tuned to accurately reproduce colours when used under artificial light. The colour temperature of this film is therefore much lower than normal colour films (3200K instead of 5500K), which means that shots will show a blue glow when used in normal daylight without a filter. Nevertheless, it is still possible to photograph with this film in normal daylight by using a color correction filter type 85B and the film is exposed to ISO 500.

CineStill 800T can easily be developed in the classic C-41 development process for colour films, without having to worry about things like remjet. The film can of course also be developed in the original Kodak ECN-2 chemistry for Picture Motion Film.

Be sure to take a look at this Flickr group and be surprised by this unique film!

Film size 120 Film
Film type Color negative
Film speed ISO 800
Number of exposures 6x4.5: 16 exposures; 6x6: 12 exposures; 6x7: 10 exposures
Contrast Medium-High
Grain Medium
Development process C-41
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