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Ecrire le premier avisThe Paterson Major Focus Finder has over twice the size of the Micro Focus Finder, this taller instrument enables the enlarger controls to be reached comfortably when making large prints although it is equally suitable for use making smaller prints.
As with the Micro Focus Finder it is fully adjustable to individual eyesight. This adjustment is made by carefully moving the eyepiece up and down while looking through it, until the cross hair built in to the finder is seen to be sharp. The eyepiece is then locked into position using the locking screw provided. A sliding shutter protects the internal mirror when the finder is not in use.
Looking throug the eyepiece the user sees the much enlarged grain structure of the negative. This allows very accurate focusing on the grain structure so ensuring very sharp prints.
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- Produit: Paterson Major Focus Finder
- Taille: 1Size