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30,5x40,6 cm - BRILLANT - 25 FEUILLES - MCP 310

€ 44,95

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Livraison 2-3 Jours ouvré

Adox MCP 310 is a variable contrast PE-based black-and-white photographic paper manufactured at the highest quality standards. The paper emulsions are still produced on original Agfa machinery which Adox purchased together with former Agfa engineers from AgfaPhoto in Leverkusen during its liquidation. 

Adox MCP is based on the innovative Multicontrast Classic Technology which former Agfa engineers created. The emulsion is highly complex and is based on four individual emulsion layers, which - over the complete tonal range from light to dark - provide exceptionally good tonal differentiation and contrast range.

MCP is very sensitive to light and allows very short exposure times (laser-compatible). The achievable contrast range goes from 00 to 5,5. It offers the highest DMAX of all black-and-white papers on the market today (> 2,2) and delivers a neutral-to-warm image tone depending on the used paper developer.

Format du papier (cm) 30,5 x 40,6 cm
Format de papier (inch) 12 x 16 inch
Finition Brillant
Nombre de feuilles 25
Tonalité du papier Neutre-chaud
Grammage du papier 190 g/m²
Contraste du papier Variable
Support du papier Resin-Coated (RC)
Série de papiers MCP
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